

      2023-07-06 14:32:26发布,长期有效,997浏览
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    • 价格:1元
    • 区域:湖南
    • 地址:望城坡街道枫林三路8号
      • 联系人:周先生
      • 电话:181****5007 点击查看完整号码
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    调查日期:_________________ 调查地点:_________________

    调查员:_________________ 联系方式:_______________


    1. 员工服务质量:

    • 员工的礼貌和专业程度

    • 员工是否主动提供帮助和解答问题

    • 员工对顾客的问候和告知服务的态度

    • 员工响应顾客需求的速度

    2. 站点清洁度和整洁程度:

    • 加油岛、油泵和加油站的整体清洁状况

    • 卫生间的清洁程度

    • 是否有垃圾堆放或杂物散落

    3. 油品质量:

    • 油品是否符合标准

    • 加油泵的计量准确性

    4. 商品陈列和价格标示:

    • 商品陈列的整齐度和清晰度

    • 商品价格标示的准确性



    Questionnaire for Mystery shopping in Gas Stations | Outline Design for Mystery shopping 'Secret Visits in Gas Stations

    Survey Date: ___________________

    Survey Location: ___________________

    Evaluator Information:

    Name: ___________________

    Contact Information: ___________________

    Survey Task: ___________________

    Please rate the following aspects based on your experience at the gas station (check the appropriate box or provide the corresponding rating):

    1. Staff Service Quality:

    • Politeness and professionalism of the staff

    • Willingness of the staff to provide assistance and answer questions

    • Attitude of the staff towards greeting and informing customers

    • Responsiveness of the staff to customer needs

    2. Site Cleanliness and Tidiness:

    • Overall cleanliness of the fueling island, fuel pumps, and gas station

    • Cleanliness of the restroom

    • Presence of garbage or scattered items

    3. Fuel Quality:

    • Compliance of the fuel with standards

    • Accuracy of the fuel pump measurements

    4. Product Display and Price Labeling:

    • Neatness and clarity of the product display

    • Accuracy of the product price labeling


    Please note that specific methods and steps may vary depending on the specific requirements of the restaurant and the objectives of the survey. For more detailed information, you can consult Shenzhen Secret Shopper Market Research. Shenzhen Secret Shopper Market Research (SMS) Co., Ltd. is a professional company specializing in mystery shopper services. Their services cover the entire country and even the Southeast Asian region, and they are involved in various industries, including gas station serves several,fast-moving consumer goods, chain restaurants, automotive and home appliances, service centre,public affairs, real estate and property, hotel and tourism, finance and communications, healthcare, and more.


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