

      2023-07-04 10:02:25发布,长期有效,660浏览
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    • 地址:望城坡街道枫林三路8号
      • 联系人:周先生
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    1. 社会热点问题:针对当前社会热点问题进行调查,收集公众对该问题的态度和看法,以及对政策、措施的支持度和反对度。

    2. 政治议题:了解公众对政治人物、政府机构、政策措施等方面的态度和看法,以及对选举、公投等民主活动的参与度和态度。

    3. 经济情况:调查公众对经济形势、就业状况、物价涨跌等方面的看法,以及对未来经济发展趋势的预期和信心。

    4. 社会问题:调查公众对社会问题,如环保、安全、教育、医疗、养老等方面的态度和看法,以及对解决这些问题的建议和期待。

    5. 生活方式:了解公众的生活方式、消费观念、文化娱乐活动等方面的情况,以及对生活环境、文化氛围等的评价和期待。

    6. 媒体使用和信任:调查公众对各种媒体的使用情况和信任度,以及对媒体报道的评价和期待。

    7. 通过对这些方面的调查研究,可以了解公众的关注点和需求,为政策制定、企业发展等提供有价值的参考。

    Content of Social Opinion Survey

    The content of a social opinion survey typically includes the following aspects:

    1. Social hot topics: Conducting surveys on current social issues to gather public opinions, attitudes, and support or opposition towards policies and measures related to these issues.

    2. Political issues: Understanding public attitudes and opinions towards political figures, government institutions, policies, and democratic activities such as elections and referendums.

    3. Economic conditions: Surveying public perceptions of the economic situation, employment status, price fluctuations, as well as expectations and confidence in future economic development trends.

    4. Social issues: Investigating public attitudes and opinions on social issues such as environmental protection, safety, education, healthcare, elderly care, and gathering suggestions and expectations for addressing these issues.

    5. Lifestyle: Understanding the public's lifestyle, consumer preferences, cultural and entertainment activities, and assessing their evaluation and expectations regarding the living environment and cultural atmosphere.

    6. Media usage and trust: Surveying the public's media consumption habits, trust in various media outlets, and evaluating their opinions and expectations regarding media coverage.

    By conducting research and surveys on these aspects, valuable insights can be gained into the public's concerns and needs, providing valuable references for policy-making, and the development of businesses and organizations.


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