

      2023-05-30 10:52:53发布,长期有效,1280浏览
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    • 价格:1元
    • 区域:湖南
      • 联系人:周先生
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    1. 购车体验:顾客购车过程中的整体体验,包括销售员的专业知识、购车流程的顺畅性、试驾体验等。

    2. 服务质量:涉及售后服务的方方面面,例如维修和保养服务的质量、等待时间、员工的友好程度和专业水平等。

    3. 售后支持:顾客对售后服务的满意度,如维修保养的效率、配件供应的及时性、解决问题的能力等。

    4. 车辆质量:顾客对所购车辆的质量和可靠性的评价,包括车辆外观、内饰质量、动力性能、燃油经济性等。

    5. 服务设施:顾客对4S店的设施和环境的评价,如展厅的布局、洗车服务、休息区的舒适度等。

    6. 价格和价值:顾客对购车价格的满意度以及所获得的价值感受,例如与竞争对手相比的价格优势、额外的附加服务等。

    7. 顾客意见和建议:提供一个开放性的问题,让顾客分享他们的意见和建议,以便改进服务和满足他们的需求。




    The content of a customer satisfaction survey for an automotive 4S dealership

    The content of a customer satisfaction survey for an automotive 4S dealership typically includes:

    1. Purchase Experience: Overall experience during the vehicle purchase process, including salesperson's knowledge, smoothness of the purchasing process, test driving experience, etc.

    2. Service Quality: Involves all aspects of after-sales service, such as the quality of maintenance and repair services, waiting time, friendliness and expertise of staff, etc.

    3. After-Sales Support: Customer satisfaction with after-sales services, including the efficiency of maintenance and repair, timely availability of spare parts, problem-solving capability, etc.

    4. Vehicle Quality: Customer evaluation of the quality and reliability of the purchased vehicle, including exterior appearance, interior quality, performance, fuel economy, etc.

    5. Service Facilities: Customer evaluation of the dealership's facilities and environment, such as showroom layout, car washing service, comfort of the waiting area, etc.

    6. Price and Value: Customer satisfaction with the purchase price and perceived value, such as price advantages compared to competitors, additional services provided, etc.

    7. Customer Feedback and Suggestions: Providing an open-ended question to allow customers to share their feedback and suggestions for improving services and meeting their needs.

    These content areas can be adjusted and customized based on specific circumstances to ensure that the survey covers key aspects of customer concern. The survey questions should be concise, easy to understand, and provide rating or evaluation options for customers to assess each aspect.


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